Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Andy Griffiths and Paul Jennings - author websites

Andy Griffiths  is one of the most popular authors in our library, and lots of you think he's really funny! His sense of humour is wild, wacky, and a little bit gross...and his website tells you a lot more about him, and about his books.  And yes - it's definitely on the weird side! Click on his picture below to find his site.

Paul Jennings is another author whose books are offbeat and funny.  He writes books for all ages, from the 'Rascal the Dragon' series on our Star Bookshelf, to the 'Uncovered ' series on our senior fiction shelves.

Which author do you think has the best website, and why?
There's a prize for the best answer.....

...and don't forget to check out all the other great author websites on the blog - links are along the right-hand side.


Haylee D said...

Andy Griffiths is hilarious, I like the book just crazy its really funny:)


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